VIA - Find your passion
A student's perspective
I’ve always been known to be an indecisive person, and when it comes to making important decisions, that fact stays true. When applying to college, the concept of choosing a major was horrifying. It is a stereotype that whatever major you choose will put you on an unchangeable trajectory for the rest of your life (spoiler alert: that's not true). I began my college career as an English major because it was a safe option; English literature is something that I enjoy. However, I was not happy with my decision and had serious doubts about my choice. That's when I found out about VIA.
VIA is a living-learning community at Virginia Tech that specializes in helping students figure out what they want to major in and discovering their overarching career goals. I read this headline and I thought “Hey, this sounds helpful,” and decided to apply. I didn’t know what to expect when joining VIA, only that weekly meetings included success class and career exploration assistance. But however uninformed I was, I would not change my decision for the world. Not only has VIA given me friendships and guidance, but it has also given me networking opportunities and ways to fill my time.
Living-learning communities are a dependable way to make meaningful connections while also gaining educational knowledge. For instance, each week in VIA we take trips to various locations around campus. This could range from Hahn Horticulture Garden to the Pamplin School of Business to the Performing Arts Center. Each of these trips is guided by a professional from that selective field, and they teach us about the careers that can be pursued with a degree in that field of study. It is a fun, hands-on way to learn about the different majors that Virginia Tech has to offer and who knows, you could find your passion along the way.
While the educational trips are fun, VIA isn’t only about expanding your knowledge, but it’s also about making connections. Every month there are a variety of different social events you can attend like game sessions, Sunday brunches, and craft nights. Some of my favorite moments include whacking a piñata at our annual VIA Day celebration, eating wings at the Super Bowl watch party, and winning a competitive game of bingo. We’ve gone bowling in Squires student center, explored the mountains with Venture Out, and created art pieces in the lounge.
Putting fun and games aside, VIA has taught me a lot about myself and the professional journey that I am about to embark on. I have made personal discoveries and am now a declared theatrical design major. I am at peace with the decisions that I have made concerning my future, and now instead of fearing it, I look forward to everything that I can accomplish. For anyone considering joining VIA, I say go for it! What's the worst that could happen?

Alexandra Wyant is a freshman majoring in Theatre with a concentration in Design. She is secretary of Help Save The Next Girl, and a member of the SOPA Performing Arts.