April 2023 Hokie Family eNews

By the numbers: Currently, 1 president, 6 vice presidents, 16 at-large senators, 28 college senators, 16 USCO senators, and 2 Corps of Cadets senators make up the Undergraduate Student Senate.
- Registration open for annual 3.2-mile Run in Remembrance
- Hokie Hiccups builds resilience through vulnerability
- Undergraduate Student Senate election results
- Fulbright visiting scholar to speak about building a welcoming community for refugee students
- Therapy dog Epcot ready to serve the Hokie community
- Dietrick Hall renovations offer innovative dining experiences
- Service front and center for School of Communication student
- Squires Student Center completes inclusive restroom renovations
- Coaching isn’t just for athletes: Writing Center coaches evolve student writing
- Equity and Accessibility 2021-22 annual report now available
A gift of any size to the Hokie Family Annual Fund has a positive impact on your student's experience. To give, please visit our online giving page. For more information, contact SAadvancement@vt.edu.