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A message from the Chief Advancement Officer for Student Affairs

Dear Hokie Families,

Hello from Blacksburg! We are so excited to welcome our Virginia Tech students to campus in a few short weeks and the energy and enthusiasm that they bring with them.

My daughter is entering her senior year at Virginia Tech, and it's bittersweet. I have had the pleasure of watching her flourish during her time here, and it has been incredibly rewarding as a parent to witness. I now have the pleasure of being a Virginia Tech employee too, which makes being part of the Hokie community even more special for me.

Perhaps it is because I have worked in higher education for most of my career, or maybe it’s the nostalgia of new beginnings and returning to school, but fall has always been my favorite season. I’ll admit I’m a bit of an academic nerd that way! I am excited about my first official fall with Virginia Tech and experiencing many special traditions as a current parent and employee. I am so proud of what Virginia Tech represents and am grateful for the meaningful experience my daughter has had here. I hope the same is true for you and your students.

I have appreciated feeling connected as a Virginia Tech parent as my student acclimated to college life and hope you do, too. In my role, I work with parents and alumni to explore ways to become more engaged with Virginia Tech, including our Parent Advisory Council. Please feel free to contact me to learn more.

I look forward to seeing you on campus this fall. Go Hokies!


Stephanie Brady P’25
Chief Advancement Officer, Student Affairs

Stephanie Brady, Chief Advancement Officer, Student Affairs
Stephanie Brady, Chief Advancement Officer, Student Affairs