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Student Affairs Information Technology


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Onboarding Employees

This must be submitted by a supervisor or authorized representative only. If a new computer or hardware purchase is required, please submit a support ticket with the request details.

Note: Requests should be submitted at least ten business days in advance.

Offboarding Employees

An effective off-boarding process plays an important role in protecting the interests of both the university and exiting employees. This is accomplished by providing safety, security, and protection of the physical assets of the university, as well as providing the exiting employees the opportunity to act as ambassadors regarding the work environment. These individuals carry a very vivid message about working at Virginia Tech and become potential recruiters for referring people to VT Student Affairs as well.

NOTE: In addition to completing offboarding request form, please be sure that your Departmental Admin (DAPN) job ends the employee in Banner on their last day worked. If this is not completed, the employee may be overpaid.

For additional resources/information about offboarding an employee, please visit the VT HR website: Offboarding Resources.


Main Office (CRC Branch)
Student Affairs Information Technology
1750 Kraft Drive, Suite 1007
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061

McComas Branch Office
895 Washington Street SW, 117A1
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061

New Hall West Branch Office
190 West Campus Drive
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061

Squires Student Center Branch Office
290 College Avenue
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061

Hikmet Gursoy
Director of Information Technology

Stephen McTigue
Assistant Director of Information Technology