A letter for a freshman
A student's perspective
Hello, stranger!
I’m writing to you in the hopes that, by the end of this letter, you feel a little more confident in yourself. See, I remember when I first arrived at Tech, an anxious, anti-social type who didn’t know what it meant to feel comfortable in your own skin. I struggled to talk about myself, who I was – felt ashamed enjoying some of the hobbies I had, reluctant to try new things because I couldn’t take the judgment of failing at them. I wouldn’t even play the music I liked, crushed by the chance that someone would overhear it. I wanted to be someone that everyone liked, even if that ‘someone’ wasn’t ME.
Now, I'm one of those people who, on occasion, dances down the sidewalk on the way to class – makes it a challenge to sing something at every karaoke night – surrounds himself with genuine people who truly know him – and spills his heart out to EVERY Virginia Tech student on a newsletter! It wasn’t easy getting here. It took an incredible amount of discomfort, from reading my poetry aloud at numerous open mics, to trying to make events with soon-to-be friends, to trying to say anything in group conversations (and I mean anything. I was awful at talking).
Through my journey, I have learned a lot. Things I wish I’d heard before I got here. Things like this:
- The happiest you will be is when you’re comfortable enough with yourself to enjoy what you enjoy without the fear that others will think less of you for it (easier said than done).
- The best way to make friends is by being yourself. That means going to the clubs you think you might like or talking with someone in class (which is harder than anything previously mentioned). Just know that you may not find them there, and that’s okay.
- Have faith in yourself and push it. Get out of your comfort zone and try something new. I have met some of my closest friends while doing things I never thought I would like but did.
College is hard, trust me, but it's also packed full of some of the best memories you will ever make. It's up to you – try some new things, meet some unlikely people, and make those memories. Oh, and if you happen to see me on campus somewhere, say, “Hi!”

Ben Hotaling is a sophomore majoring in Psychology, and an Inclusion and Belonging Student Leader for Studio72 in the Creativity and Innovation District living-learning program.