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Enjoy the Ride

A student's perspective

Growing up as a Disney lover, I never would have guessed how much I would resonate with quotes from Disney and Pixar movies throughout my college journey. The lessons from these movies and characters taught me so much about life and helped shape my perspective. Remy’s quote from Ratatouille stuck with me forever: "The only thing predictable about life is its unpredictability." This was a film I had watched countless times growing up, but once I began my college journey, I took this to heart and adopted the mindset that life is truly a roller coaster, and you must enjoy the ride.

Reflecting on my undergraduate journey, I faced various challenges, most of which stemmed from the unpredictability of life and the changes it brings. My freshman year began at Illinois State University. Growing up near Chicago, attending an in-state university a few hours away from home seemed like the best choice. However, this is where the unpredictability of my college journey began. About a month before my move-in date for my first semester, I found out that my family was moving from Illinois to Virginia. This unexpected change had a significant impact on my college journey, leading me to start my transfer process as soon as I began my first semester.

The news brought an overwhelming flood of emotions as I started my college journey knowing that I would not be graduating from my current institution and that my current life would not be permanent. As I began to embrace the transfer process, I also applied to the Disney College Program (DCP), something I had wanted to do since the fourth grade. The DCP is an internship at Walt Disney World where you can experience and learn how to make Disney magic come to life as a cast member, and it turned out to be one of the best experiences of my life.

After finishing my first semester of college at my previous institution, I packed my bags, moved to Florida, and made incredible memories over the course of eight months— this was a peak in the roller coaster ride. While in Florida, I worked on transfer applications and waited for acceptances. One day, while on break working in Epcot’s World Showcase, I opened an email from Virginia Tech with my acceptance letter. It was such a memorable moment, filled with excitement and uncertainty.

Andrea Mota at the MET

Once I committed to Virginia Tech, I had more certainty about my future, but there were still many unknowns, and this terrified me. I was coming to Tech without knowing anyone in the state and was starting over again. Despite all the uncertainty and fear, I knew Virginia Tech was the right place for me, and I had to embrace the journey and ride the roller coaster. Still, my first semester at Virginia Tech was rough. It took me a while to adjust to this new life — a complete 180 from my life in Florida where my only responsibility was showing up to work. The transition was challenging, with its rigorous course load, new campus, and social responsibilities. This period marked a low point in my roller coaster ride.

However, once I got involved in the Hokie Transfer community, I began making friends who shared similar experiences. Realizing I wasn’t alone on this journey was a turning point for me, helping me see that I could take control of my college experience despite the unpredictability. I became very involved in the Transfer Experience Living-Learning Community, serving as a council member in my first year. In my second year, this passion and ambition continued as I became a teaching assistant for UNIV 2114, a first-year experience class for transfer students, as well as a Residential Well-being Student Leader for Inclusion and Belonging. These roles allowed me to help my Hokie community and make a difference for other students by sharing my experiences and the resources offered by Virginia Tech. 

This past summer I continued to embrace this journey by being a student coordinator for orientation where I welcomed incoming students and empowered them to take control of their college journey by sharing my experiences.

I believe that by embracing the challenges of my college journey, along with the support of professional staff within Residential Well-being and New Student and Family Programs, I’ve grown as a person and gained valuable life lessons. As I enter my last semester of college, enjoying every minute until graduation in December, I know there is still much uncertainty about what life will look like afterward. While I plan to attend graduate school after graduation, who knows what’s in store for my future; if my undergraduate journey has taught me anything, it’s to enjoy the ride and embrace the unpredictability of life.

Andrea Mota
Andrea Mota

Andrea Mota is a senior in the College of Science, majoring in Psychology and double minoring in Strategic Communication and Event and Experience Management. As a transfer student, she immersed herself in the Hokie Transfer Community, serving as a Residential Well-being Student Leader for the Transfer Experience LLC and a TA for UNIV 2114 "Unleash your Hokie Potential", a first year experience class for transfer students. Andrea also works with New Student and Family Programs.